Yorokonde! Review

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Thursday, May 27, 2004

Get Backers: Temporary Hiatus

Er, yeah. Until I get a nicer viewing schedule and/or I get a copy of it. That, and I need to get my inspiration to write back. So until then, or Kang or some other person decides to continue wehre I left off, there shall be no Get Backers reviews.

Tuesday, May 25, 2004

Get Backers episode 43

MakubeX was KIDNAPPED?!?! Uryou is hotness, Kanou is cuteness[see my blog for claiming.], but I guess they're on the baddie side. Was it just me, or did Ginji's neck stretch three inches? o.0 The animation was kinda off on today's episode.. Everyone looked like they went through some psycho-plastic surgery. Whoa, a tatoo that can burn you inside out.. I'd like to learn that, please! ^^

Saturday, May 22, 2004

Get Backers ep 42

Whoa, we're kinda getting episodes that look into the past of characters? Nyaa.. Today's person is Pore/Paul/Pooru/However you spell his name. Let's stick with Paul, cause it sounds and looks like a decent name.

Okay, we learn that Paul came from some retreival team of three people. One of his old partners, the leader of said retreival team, comes to Honky Tonky, and thus our adventure starts. We find out that the leader, Azuma, was supposedly dead, but had survived somehow. The third member of their retreival team had betrayed them on their last mission(to get back a vase) and was now, thanks to plastic surgery, a political figure connected to the Japanese Mafia. So Azuma and Paul seek the help of Ban and Ginji to get to their traitor-slash-former-teammate's place and get the vase their traitor-slash-former-teammate took. Actually, I dunno why they had to seek help from Ban&Ginji.. they could've done everything on their own.. o.0 Anyways, I don't remember exactly how the ordeal went through, except Ban used his Evil Eye on the traitor-slash-former-teammate and then they all lived happily ever after...

What struck me most was the last few minutes of the show where Paul said that not everything lasts and that Ban and Ginji should enjoy their partnership before their parting comes.. Aww.. And then we see Ban and Ginji fighting for a slice of pizza. o.0

Thursday, May 20, 2004

Get Backers ep 41

Today's episode's highlight is Hevn! We finally know something about Hevn's past.

At first, we all thought it was just some normal National Secret got stolen mission, but noooo, something had to happen. We find Hevn in her super serious "I gotta do this on my own" mood, so she cancels the job she gave Ban and Ginji so she can go on her own. Oh, and she gives Ban and Ginji some of her own money to compensate for what they've already done. So there. Hevn goes off on her own, buys herself some k3wl spygear, oh, she drives a motor bike! Kakkoi~ She looks good in espionage gear, yes she is. Turns out Hevn has some cutesy lover way back. Oooooh, the conflict... Hevn vs her past lover?! Yikes..

Wednesday, May 19, 2004

Get Backers ep 40

Wacky, wacky episode again~ Monkeys = Evil! Monkeys are mean, vicious and always hungry. Poor Ban and Ginji.. always being picked on by those evil monkeys in the hot springs..

Ooh, Shido becomes the leader of the Evil Monkeys!! *gasp* And he's mean to Madoka's cooking.. Poor Madoka.. Rawr! Evil.. And because of that, he goes on a "Drive the Humans Away" spree wiff his hoarde of evil monkeys. Ban and Ginji try to stop them but.. *sigh* The scenes were so horrible, the animators didn't bother to animate it. Ban, Ginji and Shido all ended up in some Wild Animal protection agency or something.. o.0

Wolf's Rain Episode 4: "The Scar of the Wilderness"

Ok, this episode proves two or more things ^^ One, Wolf's Rain does not only excel in photo-realistic animals but also they are great designers of mechs! And~ they also throw one hell of a fan service!! XD Hail BONES!! XD

This is one of my favorite episodes, so that means there must be a hint of shounen-ai/yaoi ne? ^^ Don't worry, nothing to squick you or anything.. =3

Ok, back to the great mech design. Wolf's Rain features classic anime battleships, not the ones we see in Vandread or the like but more like the ship of the bad guys from Voltes V or summat ^^ Except less buggy. Now the robot featured in this episode (who caused soo much pain for my tsume-chan) looks like those blue things from Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex. BONES managed to justify the physics behind the robot so is movement wont make a mech-crazy fan jump and say "WTF?! That thing can't do that!!" =P Im not a mech fan BTW ^^

Very slight character development in Hige, Kiba and Toboe's case. Tsume however gains heart after a rather touching scene. Aha! Those are friends in your face, man! *hugs Tsume*

Now there is this smudge of a development in terms of the Book of the Moon (which i carelessly forgot to put it >_>). And ohhh~ sparks fly between Cher and Hubb (<3's the two)

So far so good =3 Hmmm.. maybe i understated it... <3's this episode!!! XD

Wolf's Rain Episode 3: "Bad Fellow"

Long time no post ne? Well, 'tish my cousin's fault because she keeps on forgetting to give me back my Wolf's Rain videos. Bah. Anyway, back to the review! XD

The episode is like an animated wolfy telenovela. Both Tsume and Toboe have issues and no one hasn't recovered from the previous episode's shock.

Well, in terms of character development, wolf's rain is going good so far. We learn more about them, not in the background/ history sense but more of how they think and react to things. Soon enough you'll see the pack will have a more 3d character thing going on than your usual 4-bishie formula, which I think I mentioned earlier.

You'll see sparks as both of the strongest wolves (Kiba and Tsume) glare at each other fighting for dominance or the title of alpha male. Well, they're all males ne? But someone has to lead them. ^^

So far, wolf's rain is a good anime. Actually its one of my favorites and that is why I'm giving ou this review. To make you see why I like it ^^ Well, if you can't take mah word for it, you just have to watch it ne? =)

Get Backers episode 39

Wacky, wacky epi. But I don't think anyone's complaining. xD

Starts off with our beloved Ginji falling off a builiding trying to chase a runaway free-falling rice ball. Don't ask. And nope, he does not perform elaborate acrobatic stunts to break his fall. Anyways, poor Ginji-kun ends up in the hospital. The whole cast pays him a visit & things get a little ehr... funky. ^^;;

The evil head nurse has been taking the nurses' rabu letters! Hidoi! >.> And it's Ban vs Shido once again! Whoever doesn't complete the job gives up being a GetBacker! What? Hundred Beast Cat Mimicry has been countered??! And Ban gets a taste of his own Jagan/Evil Eye! Hwai! x3

Meanwhile... it's Ginji/Himiko all the way baby Himiko keeps Ginji company. And gets to feed apples to Tare!Ginji, the lucky girl. <3 But keep those apple peelings off the floor! Accidents happen & people can get dirty-minded... =P

Oh look! Kadsuki's here! *faints* Evil head nurse spots him helping out patients & eh?? Kadsuki in a nurse outfit?? 0.0 No complaints here, m'friend. I just wish I had his waistline though... *sigh*

Jubei is caught in a stampede of patients! Lucky doctor gets to use a stethoscope on a shirtless Jubei. Our hot bishie gets a headlock for throwing a fit over a camera capsule or whatever it's called. *kicks doctor & male nurse*

Evil head nurse gets to feel the warmth of a man's chest for the first time. And it just had to be Shido, hadn't it? xD Ooh... raburabu everywhere! *Kang gets severely beaten up by Shido fans*

And let's not forget those adorable Tare!Ginji moments, mew! =3 Hyep. So all in all it's one kewl episode. My job here is done. ^^


Akabane-sama! I want apples too~o! ^o^

o Overhauled Edited by Kang. ^o^v

Monday, May 17, 2004

Get Backers ep 38

Is it just me or does Shido look like... like... Damn, I forgot the name... It starts with 'S', i think, and he appears in RUrouni Kenshin a lot... The Shinsengumi guy.. o.0 Oh darn, I forgot.. What kind of Anime Fan am I?! *sobs* Oh, and then there's this guy who looks like Kikuchi from GTO wearing a chinese outfit... Seems like Shido and Madoka have a date *winkwink* but will Shido get to the "date" in time? Or will the Kikuchi looking guy stall him from getting there?

Saturday, May 15, 2004

Puyo Pop Fever Review!

Or rather, my pathetic attempt to make you buy this game. Rawr.

Wai, my first Yorokonde post! Since this review is way overdue, I figured I should make it a bit lengthy. And I'm warning you, it is quite a read. I've also noticed an extreme lack of video game reviews. I just had to remedy the situation, being a game whore and all. I wonder if anyone will bother reading this...?

And now for a bit of introduction.

Although I love playing RPGs in general, I always had a preference for puzzle and sim games. Sure, roleplaying games have a plot, character development and kewl skillz, but I always have to refer to walkthroughs whenever I'm stuck somewhere. That, and I find levelling-up to be very tedious work. These are some of the reasons why I tend to lose interest in RPGs fairly quickly. I also have an attention span akin to a fruit fly. Meep.

Puzzle games, on the other hand, are meant to be light-hearted, unadulterated fun. And Puyo Pop Fever directly falls into that category. So yeah, this game may not have an intricate plot or in-depth characters but it does the job of getting you entertained. Very fascinating.

To start off the actual review, PPF is a puzzle game for the PS2 console. Like Tetris in a way, only with less annoying background music and cutesy characters. It has taken over my soul. It's my newest obsession, actually. It's the good alternative for crack, I tell you!

Since I'm not used to explaining game mechanics without sounding completely stupid, I've provided a couple of links for your viewing convenience. Granted, I didn't put that much effort into compiling said links, but go click them anyway. Atleast you'll have an idea what I'm raving about. Moving on!

Hmm. As expected, PPF doesn't have much of a plot. I haven't finished the Wakuwaku and Harahara courses (<-- one-player modes) yet because I suck, so I can't contribute much. To progress to the next stage you have to beat up your opponent, basically. For some reason, there seems to be a "I CHALLENGE you! You can't pass until you DEFEAT me!!" thing going around.

Now that the game objectives and plot are out of the way, time for a bit of chara talk!

PPF's main character is Amitie, your typical genki girl trying to study magic. Er, she doesn't appeal to me much, but she's definitely main character material. I just prefer Raffine (<-- the obligatory rival) over her. The cast is nicely designed and the Japanese voiceovers are well-done as per usual. My favorite character is Arle, by the way~! The cuteness! Cute, cute, cute~! You should see her in action ("Ikimasu~! Ice Storm~! Yatta ne~! Matakyuu~~~"). Hyep, I use Arle all the time to DESTROY.

Oh, be still my inner Arle fangirl!

This game has a nice batch of characters to choose from, actually. I just love Arle so much that I tend to ignore them. They're all cute, nonetheless. The mascot-looking ones, especially. I still have to unlock Carbuncle (<-- Arle's dog, who reminds me of the San-X mascot, Purin.), though. Hmm. As for the music, it's cute, happy and really reflects the game well, in my opinion. Other than that, there's nothing uber-special about it.

PPF looks easy, happy and sparkly at first glance, but mastering the Fine Art of puyo-stacking is actually quite a challenge. I've only started getting the hang of things after, say, endless hours of playing. The practice paid off, though. My Arle can DESTROY my little brother's Onion Pixy. Yesss...

Overall, I highly recommend this game. Very, very addictive. I've managed to rack up hours without even realizing it! So if you can't seem to defeat any of the Aeons in FFX-2 (Chapter 3. Grrr. Yuna's a 100% White Mage. This shouldn't be happening! *ventvent*), consider giving this game a try!

And wai~! Arle is actually the main character of the previous Puyo Pop installments! Must get. Hmm. It's funny how much I worship Arle and completely ignore Amitie. These two are so much alike. Even their attacks and catch phrases are the same. Ah, well. Arle is cuter anyway. Sucks to be Amitie.

Ohhh! I've used the word 'cute' about eight times. It's definitely time to invest on a thesaurus. Go me!

The oh-so-relevant links:
01. Das official PPF site.
02. Review #1. Fwee.
03. Ah, look! A Review #2.
04. Why don't you check my search results? Or look it up on Google yourself?

...I'm just hoping SOMEONE was converted benefited from my article.

Friday, May 14, 2004

Get Backers ep 37

Get Backers ep 37

Natsumi the Get Backer! Great display of Natsumi's super powers: Ping Pong Terror!! Kawaii~ Especially the part where Natsumi says "Did you have a nice dream?" xD Super-fun episode~ Guest starring the Ketsupuri-dan!! [those three idiot bad guys from RAVE ^^]

Get Backers ep 36

Get Backers ep 36

Ooooh, we find out more about Ban and Himiko's past! Kinda vague, though.. We still need to learn more about teh Last Children as of the moment. I support Himiko's cause for saving kidnapped babies!!

Thursday, May 13, 2004

Get Backers ep 35

Get Backers ep 35

Word for the episode: retribution. [note: the author does not know what that mean.]

Uh, actually, i have a vague idea of what it is. Ginji's flashbacks were sad. Does rain always do that to a person? It seems quite common in anime, though. Poor Ginji. This was a difficult task for him. Especially what their client wanted to get back... True, life is hard to get back once it's lost... And that's why Ginji was so determined in this episode... Ganbatte ne! Ginji-kun!

Wednesday, May 12, 2004

.hack//legend of the twilight bracelet ep 7 - Twilight Moon

.hack//legend of the twilight bracelet ep 7 - Twilight Moon

kissu~ kissu~ kissu~ KISSU~ ^3^ Yesh, there was this teeny kissing scene in this episode, and you wouldn't guess who!!! xD I was so shocked, but then, it was those two, so I was kinda happy myself. ^^ Anyway, we find out a lot more today than any other episode! Rena's doing fine, Balmung and Sanjuuro tell Shuugo-tachi about the truth about the .hackers... Oh, and how could Reki betray Balmung, Shuugo and the rest after that kiss??? It's unfair!!! Kamui, you are so evil!!

Get Backers ep 34

Get Backers ep 34

Oh no! Ginji and Ban aare fighting each other, and it seems they've broken up! Oh no! What are we going to do? Ban became the Protector of the Aztec Star, while Ginji was hired to Get back the Aztec Star!! They'll finish each other off! Waah! What's going to happen to the Get Backers now?

Just one minute....Did you have a nice dream? ^^

Monday, May 10, 2004

Get Backers ep 33

Get Backers ep 33

x3 this is a fun episode wiff all emotions/actions/whatever mixed. Ban should practice his TV hosting abilities. xD And the trick with Akabane-sama was good! ^^ Tee hee! Anyways, I loved the illusion he created wiff the Venus de Milo~ xD 'twas fun! AH, Ginji~ ^^ Kawaii Ginji was thinking to save their boat, and accidentally threw off their cargo [both Aphrodite and the arms] into the sea. o.0 *pats Ginji* you were only trying to help~ It's okay.. Oh, and the sweetest thing happened to Hera-san. =^^= She *really* reminds me of Hevn.. o.0 But that's not the 'sweetest' thing. Kait and Hera-san got reunited, and Kait's probably going to be sent to a rehab to get better so he and Hera would live happily ever after. Oooohh~ MakubeX gets to appear, even just a teensy bit. And not to worry, Miroku fans! We'd get to see the Miroku brothers again soon! ^^

Sunday, May 09, 2004

.hack//UdeDen ep 6 - Trouble at the Hot Springs

.hack//Legend of the Twilight Bracelet ep 6 - Trouble at the Hot Springs

Ahh, I'm not so sure about the title. ^^; Anyways, Where did Rena go? Shuugo-tachi look for Rena in teh Haunted mansion, but she's nowhere to be found! Oh, no! her ghost has disappeared, too! Poor Shuugo... Oh, but what's this? Shuugo gets an email with only an area name in it. Mireille suggests that it's a secret event! So, Shuugo-tachi go on to the area, "Grumpy Girl's Cooking Grill", if i remember correctly. ^^

Ah, and like any other anime, there's the obligatory Hot Springs episode. This has it, too! How lucky~ Oh, look! Rena's back! Wait, there's something wrong with this Rena.. It's not Rena at all! It's an old man disguising himself as Rena! Waah! Taihen da!!

What do those kids want? Where is Rena? When will the next .hack//UdeDen review be?!

Saturday, May 08, 2004

Get Backers ep 32

Oooh. Tish a very fun-filled episode, yes it is. Mafia Gunmen are defeated by Shido, Emishi, Ginji and Ban, but after that, Emishi and Shido are faced wiff Burning Dragon and Icy Tiger [Gee, what lame names -__-;]. yeah. So the four get separated, and worse, Ginji and Ban get separated, too! Ban warns Ginji about the Miroku Brothers, and i think i know why. Notice that you dont see both Yukihiko and Natsuhiko together physically, but you *know* they're together? We find out why. [No, I'm not spoiling you.] Ban faces Dr. Jackal as he comes out of the sewer/underground mine tunnel/whatever. Cool fight scenes, too. Anyways, Ginji sees Yuki, Yuki an' him talk, Then Natsu comes in and butts in teh conversation, yadda yadda. More cool fight scenes ensue. Anyways, yeah. Natsu is defeated, but Yuki isn't. He's created this nasty miniature black hole and is trying to suck Ginji in. Wait, that did NOT sound right. o.0 anyways, their fight is to be continued on teh next episode, so there. I noticed the fun fight scenes.

Thursday, May 06, 2004

Get backers ep 31

Ginji is OK! We find out who that painter guy is and what his relationship to the storyline is, too! Ban is OK too! Yay! Oh, and don't seriously think that a bunch of guys in black wiff big guns would defeat Ban, Ginji, Shido and Emishi. Geez, when do bad guys learn? *sigh* Oh, and our heroes get mixed up in a much, much more complicated job than they thought.
Get Backers ep 30

Fwee~ Bishies just keep comin' out, myo.

So Ban did not get eaten by sharks, that's good, ne? ^^; Shido and Emishi ride dolphins to get to the ship! How adorable! xD Dr. Jackal is up to something, as usual. And it was sooo adorable when tare!ginji ate the ice cream Yukihiko gave him ^^ kawaii~ Oh, and I wonder who tat person who stopped Natsuhiko from slashing/killing Ginji was... Dr. Jackal perhaps?

Tuesday, May 04, 2004

Get backers ep 29

Clay Man appears once more! Ain't she pretty? And what did the painter have to do wiff the rest of the series? We'll find out, for sure! One cute bishie spotted! ^^ Hevn gets jealous. Poor thing. Oh, and doesnt Hera remind you of Hevn? =^^= I wonder why...

Will the GetBackers win? Will Ban get a tan? Or will the Sharks get to him first? Find out on the next episode of Getbackers!
Get Backers ep 28

Okay, if I'm right, This episode's teh one wiff Yuji and Midori. It's a bittersweet episode wiff two couples. A het and a homo. :D yeah. fangurls are evil.

Anyways, Here's this guy, Yuji, who loses his memory. He and Ban and Ginji went on a search for his memory only to find out that his birth info, school, etc, etc, etc, was forged, and all the answers were wiff his girlfriend. So yeah. But his girlfriend reasons out that there are some things better left unknown, but when the guy remembers, he says all this bittersweet mushy stuff. Awww.

Sunday, May 02, 2004

.hack//tasogare no udewa densetsu ep 5 - Mansion of Terror

Things just happen so fast. o.0 first they're on this beach, getting preached by Sanjuuro about not playing The World too much [by suggestion from Balmung-sama]. And then these elementary kids decide to play a prank on Kite Shuugo. Then they find themselves in this haunted mansion of sorts, where Rena boasts that she isn't a coward. Yeah right. Anyway, she gets lost and ends up in this room battling a Death-like creature. Of course, this monster is one of those unbeatables. Then, like any other anime, our hero, Shuugo, comes in and defeats the Unbeatable monster using Data Drain. Yay! But, they're too late. The trap has already been set! Rena disappears! *gasp* more on teh next episode!!

Note: Since I got a copy of the whole series, i'm not gonna watch Animax's .hack//UdeDen. :3 it's better that way, since i'm reviewing Get Backers at the same time.