Yorokonde! Review

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Monday, May 10, 2004

Get Backers ep 33

Get Backers ep 33

x3 this is a fun episode wiff all emotions/actions/whatever mixed. Ban should practice his TV hosting abilities. xD And the trick with Akabane-sama was good! ^^ Tee hee! Anyways, I loved the illusion he created wiff the Venus de Milo~ xD 'twas fun! AH, Ginji~ ^^ Kawaii Ginji was thinking to save their boat, and accidentally threw off their cargo [both Aphrodite and the arms] into the sea. o.0 *pats Ginji* you were only trying to help~ It's okay.. Oh, and the sweetest thing happened to Hera-san. =^^= She *really* reminds me of Hevn.. o.0 But that's not the 'sweetest' thing. Kait and Hera-san got reunited, and Kait's probably going to be sent to a rehab to get better so he and Hera would live happily ever after. Oooohh~ MakubeX gets to appear, even just a teensy bit. And not to worry, Miroku fans! We'd get to see the Miroku brothers again soon! ^^


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