Yorokonde! Review

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Sunday, May 02, 2004

.hack//tasogare no udewa densetsu ep 5 - Mansion of Terror

Things just happen so fast. o.0 first they're on this beach, getting preached by Sanjuuro about not playing The World too much [by suggestion from Balmung-sama]. And then these elementary kids decide to play a prank on Kite Shuugo. Then they find themselves in this haunted mansion of sorts, where Rena boasts that she isn't a coward. Yeah right. Anyway, she gets lost and ends up in this room battling a Death-like creature. Of course, this monster is one of those unbeatables. Then, like any other anime, our hero, Shuugo, comes in and defeats the Unbeatable monster using Data Drain. Yay! But, they're too late. The trap has already been set! Rena disappears! *gasp* more on teh next episode!!

Note: Since I got a copy of the whole series, i'm not gonna watch Animax's .hack//UdeDen. :3 it's better that way, since i'm reviewing Get Backers at the same time.


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