Yorokonde! Review

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Sunday, August 21, 2005

The king of the iron fist has been edited.

Yes, it's true. There IS a Tekken 5.1, and it is a sad, sad day for Mishima haters out there.

It's basically the same game, but with a few tweaks here and there... I.E, Nina William's uf+1 has been slowed down immensely. Steve Fox moves like he was playing DDM on 500 BPM. And The Mishimas rule the playgorund. Oh yes.

Then again, I've always hated the mishimas. Go figure. Jin roxxorz, though. XD

Anyhow, no full review on this... It's about as futile as making a review everytime Sammy updates GGXX with a new version.

Will keep you people posted on new stuff that i notice, though. Ja.

Sunday, August 14, 2005

Howl's Moving Castle

This movie has got to be Hayao Miyazaki's best. At least, in my opinion it is. The story is about a Hat-maker, Sophie, who is rescued by a mysterious handsome wizard. At first glance, she falls in love with him, but her feelings for the mysterious wizard led to her being turned into an old woman by the Wicked Witch of the Waste. Not being able to tell anyone about the Witch's curse, she runs away in search for a counter-curse and ends up as a cleaning lady in a walking castle owned by a famous wizard: Howl. As it turns out, Howl is the handsome wizard who had rescued her earlier. But Howl has secrets, including one that involves an evil spirit that powers the moving castle, Caluficer. Sophie's determination and love brings about a change in the atmosphere of Howl's moving castle, and ultimately leads to the end of the war. The movie was based off a Diana Wynne Jones book of the same title. This book was first published in 1986. I did a little search on Amazon.com and there are still copies available from a recent publisher(HarperTrophy, 2001). As I have not read the book, I will not compare the book to the film.

As can expected from any Miyazaki film, the animation is most wonderful. The colors and themes fit the magical and mysterious feel of the story. The scenes-- especially the valley with the lake and the small house where Howl used to stay in when he was young-- were spectacular. Joe Hisaishi's great talent was again displayed in the film. I loved the background music! It was absolutely amazing! It went oh-so well with the film ^^ I would love to have a copy of the OST~

All in all, this is a must see film! ^^ Now go look for a copy! ;)

coming soon