Welcome, Ladies and Gents, to Rika's first issue of
Bad Caps Review!! As the name says, this review is full of Bad Caps and should not be taken seriously. This is for crack fandom purposes, and any damage to people's braincells wouldn't be my fault since I'm already warning you about the stupidity that is bound to be ahead.
The first issue features Musical Tennis no Oujisama: More than Limit -St. Rudolph Academy-. If I remember correctly, this is the third Musical, but never trust Rika's memory. It's bad. That's another reason why this is named Bad Caps Review.
Now that I've warned you about the content of the review, I shall warn you about how this post will kill your bandwidth. I've gotten around 125 caps from the musical and if you're on dial-up, it'll take time to load them all. Muharhar.
Regarding the caps here, feel free to take them, but DO NOT HOTLINK. Credit Yorokonde for the caps, if you want, too. Also, this is crossposted at
Red Moon Media, Rika's media journal.
Now, without further ado, let me present you....
TeniMyu: More than Limit -St. Rudolph Academy-

We are greeted by a silly dance number by the Ichinen...

...who then do a sentai pose.

And then we are given a shiny glowy introduction of the Seigaku regular-jin

Who also do a Sentai pose. Which doesn't look Sentai at all.

Now, isn't that a better Sentai Pose?

Mizuki: ohshit. This isn't my mirror.

Mizuki: Now, how am I supposed to fix my morning hair now?

And yet another Sentai Pose.
This time, brought to us by St. Rudolph.

Mizuki: Why yes, I'm gay pretty.

Tezuka calls on the Golden Pair, who obviously went through some sort of "warm up"

Ryoma says "CHEESE".

Taka-san is doubting Tezuka's sexuality.

Um. I have no idea why this cap is here.

Kaidoh and Momo want to play House.

Kaidoh's Tennis Kancho.

See? They can play House nicely.

Look! Momo has a flower!

Kaidoh has a cheap trick, too!

Mizuki: *nfu!*

Kikumaru: *flirtflirt*
Oishi: ...Stop that or it's the couch for you tonight.

Ryoma, meet Racquet. Racquet, meet Ryoma.

Yaneda: I'm a duck, da ne!

Oishi: Eiji, I heart you.
Kikumaru: Um, what?
Oishi: Oh, nothing.
Kikumaru: ... *scratches back of head* Silly Oishi.

Mizuki: *nfu!*

Mizuki: Look, Inui! Porn!

Kikumaru: Hey, Oishi hasn't even started doing anything! What do you mean, Porn??

Mizuki: *nfu*

Kikumaru: Oh, now I know what you mean, you sly bastard you. Maybe later?

Inui: Oishi... *scribblescribble* is jealous of... *scribble* Mizuki... *scribble* Ii data...
Ichinen+Taka: Oooh..
Horio: Hey, look, stick figure sex!

Oishi: Leave me alone!
Kikumaru: ??

Mizuki: *seethe* Look at me, damnit!

Oishi: We're still going out tonight, right?
Kikumaru: Of course, silly! You're my only one! /sap


Yes, they're doing the Can-Can.

Taka apologizes for the stupidity.

Oishi: Look, Eiji, it's not your fault.
Eiji: ...Yes it is.
Oishi: Look, mistaking the toothpaste for facial wash is a normal thing..

Mizuki: Ohgod, Oishi's an idiot.
Yuuta: *boredboredbored*

Mizuki: Oh, look! Something interesting is happening! *nfu*
Yuuta: I wonder what I'll have for dinner...

Eiji: Oh, I'm still so embarrassed..!

Oishi: Eiji... *thinks: I have to do something...!

Oishi: *stares at Eiji's ass* mmm...

Oishi: Don't worry, Eiji. You still look pretty.
Kikumaru: ...Oishi...♥

Mizuki: How cheesy. *nfu*

Kikumaru: I have a trick!

Mizuki: HOSHIT.

Mizuki: He's doing Snow Angels in the tennis court!
Oishi: Eiji! Stop it, You're embarrassing me!

Kikumaru: Jyuuden Kanryou!

Oh, you know they were trying to kiss in public.

Kikumaru: Why yes, I can be very sexy.


This is Oishi and Kikumaru auditioning for the roles of Takeshi and Kentaro from Clamp Gakuen Tokkei Duklyon.

Kikumaru: Come here, you sexy little thing, you. *points to Oishi*

Oishi: No, I'm the seme. You come here.

Oishi's expression when Kikumaru runs off and goes to the audience.

Fuji and Ryoma become back-up dancers.

Oh, they are SO in love.

Kikumaru: *beeda!*

Kikumaru: We lost! No!
Oishi: Kikumaru, don't be sad! Here, let me hug you! *pounce*

Kikumaru: Oh, Oishi!
Oishi: Oh, Eiji!

Someone from St. Rudolph: Hey, Mizuki, is PDA allowed in tennis?
Mizuki: Shut up, I'm being jealous here.

Yaneda: Hey, Kaidoh, don't i look sexy too?

Kaidoh: OHSHITNO!!

Yaneda: How 'bout you, Atsushi? Do you think I'm sexy?


Yaneda learns his lesson.

Mizuki: See? I'm the only person allowed to be sexy.

Tezuka looks grumpy because he hasn't had any caps since the beginning of the review.
He also says he should be the only person allowed to be sexy.

Kikumaru, regretting the silly song and dance number during the match between St. Rudolph.
Kikumaru: If i hadn't sung and danced, we would have won...

Kikumaru: I feel pretty! Oh so pretty!

OHLOOK. They're dating.

Caaaaaan you feeeeeeeel the looooove toniiight~~?

And yet more foreplay and flirting.

Taka-san asks if they can have a threesome how come the Golden Pair completes each other's sentences

Presidential Campaigning.

Taka-san: Er, nevermind...


Ryoma: Stop flirting with my opponent, Fuji-sempai!

Mizuki: *nfu~*

Ryoma: Oh look, a coin.

Mizuki: *nfu* Interesting kid. *nfu*

Inui: Ii data.
Horio: WTF, Ryoma?

Mizuki: *nfu*

Yet another duo, applying for sentai characters.

Fuji: I only shake hands with people who are as kirakira as I am!

Mizuki: *nfu*

Mizuki: Prepare for pwnage, Kirakira-whore!
Fuji: Stfu, Mizuki. You're just jealous you're not kirakira enough!

Fuji, Kirakira whore. Tennis Prodigy

Fuji: Tezuka, the bed awaits stop staring at Mizuki. I'm your uke seme here!

Mizuki: We lost. Oh well. *nfufufufufufufufu* *leaves*

Rudolf-Buchou: Mizuki! Wait! Teach me your laugh!

Atsushi: *follows Mizuki* *nfufufufufufufufu*
Rudolf tennis-bu: liek whoa!

Fuji: Come to the dark side, Yuuta. We have cookies.

Yuuta: Coo...kies...?

Fuji: Yes, cookies. And Porn.

Yuuta: Count me in!

Kaidoh: *hiss*

Golden Pair. Asleep.
1, 2, 3... AWWWWWWW.

Taka-san, trying to play... er, whatever that thinng is.

1, 2, 3... awwww..!

Fuji, making his plans to rule over the world.

Tezuka, going emo because he knows Fuji isn't thinking about him

Inui: Ii data.

Tezuka and Fuji, courting.

One final Sentai Pose from everyone.

The End.