Yorokonde! Review

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Tuesday, April 27, 2004

.hack//tasogare no udewa densetsu ep 4 - Tanabata Festival

Oh-kay! Tanabata episode. So we presume that the timeline is sometime is June/july because the Tanabata is held in either one of those months. Moving on, this episode ish cute. It's actually nice to see technology and tradition being together :3 We have more hints on incest, too. Oh, and we get to see this annoying person riding on a Grunty, and they even have the same annoying laugh. Reki hosts the Tanabata event, since Balmung wanted to join in. Wouldn't that be cheating since Balmung was the one who organized the event? CC Corp is strange o.0 Anyways, Shuugo saves the day, as always, and then more hints on incest. Ah, but i dont really think that wishing to live together again as a family isnt incest... [or maybe it was just intentional that we misinterpret Shuugo's wish..?] We also find out that rain in The World is dangerous to players, and that it hurts o.0 i wonder why...


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