Yorokonde! Review

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Sunday, February 15, 2004

A New Type of Blood

name: scarlet_bliss aka kagekami...
occupation: i get sapped of life energy due to college sh*t... oh yeah... i'm also a somewhat full time otaku... i dont do those cosplay thingies... waaay over my head...
age: 17 well... that's true until march 7 comes... ***damn you anki!!! get your freakin hentai aussy ass here***
gender: female...

why am i here?: coz i have nothing else to do... besides... i have more than a couple of "unknown" anime series here in my umm... house? that i want the... euh... world to know about...

introductions: i am nooooooooo genki girl like rika over there... am also not as cute my sweet baby blue or kang to the rest of the cynical world... and i'm no computer genius like anki from way waaaaaaaaay south... dang! i'm just your-not-so-average-average otaku chic as hero called it... oh well anyway... i think i'll take care of the not-so-known animes out there... since i have a knack at... umm... buying them and watching them out of impulse, heavy thought and boredom...

hoooooooooo well...

what to watch out for? : KAIKAN PHRASE really, there aren't much people writing about that semi-kick-ass killer anime... :D... till my next post...

***when the darkness starts to make its way through the light... one must welcome it with an open heart and mind...***


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