Yorokonde! Review

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Monday, June 21, 2004

Kyou Kara Maou ep 1

Oooooh-kaaaaaaaaaaaayy.... I'm back with a review!! ^^ *cheers*

Recently, I've gotten myself BitTorrent, 'cause I've been downloading scans from HemuLoki Scans through their torrent files.. and then a friend of mine suggested I should watch Kyou Kara Maou.. So I did a little research on it on the web, and look! Fansubs! I was so happy and started to download them. Thank you very much, DSL. ^^ After downloading eps 1-3, I started watching and boy was it fun!! xD I fell in love with the series~ ^o^ So here I am, doing reviews for it~

Okay, so we have here this normal shounen, whose name is Yuuri Shibuya, in this very cliche scene: watching the baseball team play/practice at the end of the day. Next thing you know he's fending off bullies who's picking on the resident smart-ass straight-A student, complete with glasses and messy hair, mind. You'd think the smart-ass highly intelligent classmate would back Yuuri up, but nooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, he chickens out and runs away from the fight, leaving Yuuri alone and gets beat up by the bullies. He goes home battere dand bruised and.. Wait, wrong series.

Yuuri gets flushed down the toilet. In the female's public urinal. Near the park. Yep. You read right. He got flushed down the toilet. Like those dead goldfishies. If you think about it, it's impossible. But not for this anime. Cliche? No, i dont think so. I wonder.. Is Yuuri a goldfish? O_o

Anyways, the animation ish coooooool. Its gots smooth coloring, pretty eyes, and not to mention, winged skeletons~ Go winged skeletons!! xD The art is very good, though for some reason, there are those times that I think Gonzo did some of them.. Not sure. I dont exactly pay much attention to the credits...

The opening song is uber funkeh. The ending song ish lurvleh-- and the ending animations is just soooo adorable~~. They were both sung by The Stand Up, and they apparently love their guitar solos [in the full verions]. Might do a separate review for those later.

Anyways, back to the review. For a first episode, everything just goes too fast. Most of the major characters get introduced in the episode.. And believe it or not, Yuuri gets to meet this really really cute bishie. (Wolfram!! Marry me!!) Oh, and Yuuri and horses don't mix. And people might think that Conrad is Yuuri's real dad. Ch'yeah right.


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