Yorokonde! Review

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Thursday, March 04, 2004

The Scryed Review (aka Why "Matter Alteration" Just Doesn't Appeal To Me)

It was a nice hot Saturday afternoon when I finished watching the last episode of Scryed, graciously fansubbed for my convenience (this I doubt). It was the moment after it when I started relaxing and thinking 'I can't believe I sat through 26 episodes of unclassiness.'

The prime reason I give Scryed (pronounced S(u)ku-rai-do) such a bad review is that if failed to carry on the massive interest I had in the series when I first watched it. That was actually fun, a story of conflicting characters and forces.

Let's lay out the basics: An accident causes a part of Mainland Japan to break off, isolating the inhabitants. There is an accident there, and many people are affected. Amazingly, corruption is still strife in Japan (the political system of which I shall no longer refer to on upcoming reviews) with the Mainland hogging most of the resources and funding. There is also a strange phenomenon, ability really, that occurs from this accident. A small percentage of the island's population have the ability to alter matter to a form which their subconscious wills, otherwise known as an Alter. Alters come in all shapes and sizes, from the drastically silly to the wonderfully intricate.

I'll stop here, because this concept alone tore me off. I should suppose that it is Anime, therefore they can get away with forming matter without blowing the Earth up (E=mc^2) and such... and they can also get away with amazingly high technology in 21st century Earth... hwow.

But, like most mediocre Anime, it's all clichè. And I'll explain why.

First, it's Science meets Magic. Sound familiar? The main progonist is lazy and self-willed, but has a soft spot for his very very short girlfriend. The antagonist/protagonist character is calm and calculating, and also a Class B Bishounen. He also has someone to care about, although his past hides another romance... ehem... you're starting to get my drift... I've seen it all before.

THEREFORE! I'm giving this series a 'B'! Nothing beats the power of Science/Magic mixes, no matter how improbable it gets, but no-one likes loss of originality. Shame on you, Scryed. Hopefully the next series I review isn't as painful to watch for 13 hours...


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