Yorokonde! Review

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Friday, March 19, 2004


Oh gosh, this is SO delayed. Sorry!! I had too much to do yesterday and the day before!! X.x

Get Backers ep 20

Oooooh.. Himiko used up all her poison perfumes.. I wonder how Kagami took off her clothe without her wriggling and screaming and defending herself..? And i wonder how Ban got into that Mayan Priest costume..? Aww, Ban and Himiko were just so adorable after that fight.. ^^

Get Backers ep 21

Go Ban! Beat that fat-assed metal-armed guy! Abunai, Ginji! It's not real! Everything's not real!!

.hack//SIGN ep 17

Serves him right, that stupid Silver Knight. Subaru was right in disbanding the Crimson Knights, even though it must've been hard for her.

.hack//SIGN ep 18

Subaru-centric episode. She has flashbacks. Then a look-alike molests her, thus making her look like she'd been run over by a train. And then Subaru molests Tsukasa. Oh, and we see a glimpse of the Subaru in the real world. Funkeh.


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